Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Team Building Issues & Solutions"

Team Building Issues & Solutions

Here are the issues most have with building any business:

1) Very Few Contacts & Fear to go outside comfort zone:

 A) We all have as many contacts as we choose and I will explain it like this if you walk out your front door every person you see is a possible Customer or Team Member. It is that simple and if you are looking to the online experience then you have social media as a source of contact that is unlimited let your imagination help you and you will succeed at finding plenty of contacts.

3) Bad experience with past ventures:

 A) I hear it all the time "I Have Tried That MLM Thing Before and it never works for me" what I say to that is you either had Zero leadership after you joined, or you gave up before you really gave it a chance usually it is the lack of Leadership and Support that causes failure.

4) Claim the Famous Pyramid Scheme:

 With the PYRAMID SCHEME comment all I can say is that all Models work off of a Pyramid I will explain and then show how in MLM your ability to achieve true effort to pay.

A) Take a corporation starting from the top you have the CEO then Managers then the supervisors and then the workers and this is the thing no matter what everybody does below the CEO they will never and I mean never make more than the CEO.

B) Now lets look at the MLM and it works like this lets say I am a top top producer and the Person that brought me in does not recruit or build a team will he make anything on me? well yes he will but here is were it gets good I will make more as my personnel production pays me more  and my qualification status will also qualify me for more than my upline as my production grows, so as you can see in this example I can earn more than others just by my production.

5) Expect Wealth Over Night:

 A) Any good Business is going to take time to build and anyone that claims you will make thousands overnight or with no effort or little time you need to question their motives. People do build massive teams quick and incomes of large amounts But it is not the norm.

6) Lack of Leadership:

 A) Leadership is in my opinion the most important link in any team building and without it you are going to have a rough road. With leadership you get the TEAM and the Support + the EXPERTISE. The reason this is so important is you are new to the company and the products or service so you need the Leadership to give you the TEAM that delivers the SUPPORT and EXPERTISE when you need it. With that you have just taken one of the hardest things out of succeeding in this industry.You become a professional inviter and teach your team to do the same.

7) Start up requires Money you don't have or time you think you don't have:

A) This is a hard one but I will say it like this what you cannot do with money you can supplement with time. I have had people come to me and said they do not have the money and I have proven them wrong every time. It is not that you do not have the money it is you have closed your mind to how to get the money. I will say it like this is that TV worth holding you back from creating the wealth or freedom you desire or maybe the TOOLS you have not used in years or the CAR you never drive or that item in the garage you will probably never use I can go on and on.

 The reason I write this is for two reasons the first is this I am a BUILDER and I produce STRONG TEAMS that in turn produces nice INCOMES . The second Reason is this is what I offer LEADERSHIP from me and my TEAM we take away the FEAR to go out of your comfort zone by being their for you so you are not the GO TO guy we are. We will teach you and your team to do the same. If you choose to join us we will help you to copy the exact method we use to build so check out the link below and JOIN and I will get a hold of you and answer any of your questions plus give you an action plan to kick start your business.

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